In [52]:
#This line is very important: (It turns on inline the visuals!)
%pylab inline
import csv
#You will need these also. These functions extract the data from the results file.
def load_file_return_data(filepath):
data =[]
with open(filepath,'r') as f:
headers =
for line in reader:
name_list = list(enumerate(headers))
return data, name_list
def return_data_with_header(header,data,name_list):
for idx, name in name_list:
if name == header:
ind_to_take = idx
data_col = []
for line in data:
return np.array(data_col)
In [53]:
#You insert the local path where your exported imageJ
#where 'Results.txt' is currently written.
data,name_list = load_file_return_data('Results.txt')
print name_list
#Insert the header you wish to extract here:
header1 = 'Area'
data_col1 = return_data_with_header(header1,data,name_list)
#Insert the header you wish to extract here:
header2 = 'Mean'
data_col2 = return_data_with_header(header2,data,name_list)
In [106]:
plot(data_col1,data_col2, 'o')
title('Area Versuses mean intensity plot')
ylabel('Mean intensity')
In [101]:
#To cluster the data we start by using the kmeans algorithm.
from sklearn.cluster import KMeans,SpectralClustering
#We initialise a kmeans model in the variable kmeans:
kmeans = KMeans(n_clusters=2, init='k-means++', n_init=10, max_iter=300, tol=0.0001, precompute_distances='auto')
#For more information.
In [102]:
#Now we reorganise the data to a format which is compatible with kmeans algorithm.
data_arr = np.zeros((data_col2.__len__(),2))
data_arr[:,0] = np.array(data_col1)
data_arr[:,1] = np.array(data_col2)
#Now we use this data to fit the kmeans model in an unsupervised fashion.
out = kmeans.predict(data_arr)
In [105]:
#Now we fit the two clusters we have tried to find
plot(data_col1[out == 1],data_col2[out ==1], 'go')
plot(data_col1[out == 0],data_col2[out ==0], 'ro')
title('Area Versuses mean intensity clustering plot')
ylabel('Mean intensity')
#The clustering algorithm should have highlighted good proportion
#of the cells which are both large and green. These represent the
#Dendritic cells in the image.
Try and visualise which of your cells is which in the original image. This will involve importing the image and highlighting those areas close to the 'X' and 'Y' coordinates in the saved 'results' table. How did the kmeans perform. There are plenty of clustering algorithms in the sklearn library take a look and see if you can improve the classification.
In [ ]: